RichFest Water Rafting Site Plan

Richard Ogboanoh

WDD 130



The purpose of this site is to ultimately convince visitors of the website that they should choose our company over our competitors. We want our site to give visitors a very bright, happy vibe. Pictures of customers on the lake with our product is very important. Displaying positive customer reviews will also play an important role in convincing people to choose us.


The target audience are those who stay or are going on a vacation near bear lake and are looking for something to do. They will typically range from the ages of 10-55. Customers will be fairly well off with large disposable income. They will mainly be living in Utah's metro area. Most visitors will be visiting our sites via a phone, tablets and even desktops.


Website Logo

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Style Guide

Color Palette

Palette URL:
Primary Secondary Accent 1 Accent 2
[#7bc4d5] [#f5de73] [#144365]


Heading Font: Rock Salt

Paragraph Font: Roboto

Normal paragraph example

The best Whitewater Rafting in Colorado, White Water Rafting Company offers rafting on the Colorado and Roaring Fork Rivers in Glenwood Springs. Since 1974, we have been family owned and operated, rafting the Shoshone section of Glenwood Canyon and beyond.

Colored paragraph example

Trips vary from mild and great for families, to trips exclusively for physically fit and experienced rafters. No matter what type of river adventures you are seeking, White Water Rafting Company can make it happen for you.


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